Network management – Fraunhofer IWU

The Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU has enjoyed more than 25 years of success and is currently one of the largest institutes in the Fraunhofer Association. With its wide range of services, the IWU provides leading solutions for diverse business areas. “Resource-efficient production” is the guiding principle behind the Institute’s application-oriented research into current issues related to mobility, production systems and life sciences. One of the core areas of research is lightweight construction, an area that has come under increasing focus in various industries in recent years. The Fraunhofer IWU, in addition to providing custom solutions, is primarily focused on the development and implementation of mass-production-capable processes. The pultrusion process has an important part to play in this and will be further developed in collaboration with a wide range of partners. To this end, the IWU has a state-of-the-art production system that allows it to design projects from basic principles up to series readiness and to implement industrial-scale tests.

The Fraunhofer IWU has also established itself as a successful network institution over the course of its long history. This is reflected both in the multitude of network partnerships and in the Institute’s leadership of several self-initiated networks.

Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik IWU

Reichenhainer Straße 88 
09126 Chemnitz, Germany

Copyright 2025 Fraunhofer IWU
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